
Three Quick and Easy Ways to Save Money This Christmas

bear-christmasAlmost everyone overspends in the run-up to Christmas and regrets it in the lean month of January. The good news is that there are some very quick and easy ways in which you can make your hard-earned cash go further this Christmas.

Send Christmas e-cards or Print Your Own Christmas Cards. You may not wish to send Christmas e-cards to everyone on your Christmas card list, but, if you are on a tight budget, it makes sense to send at least some e-cards. You will not only save money on buying paper cards and envelopes but you will also save money on postage, especially if the recipients live overseas. Another option is to print your own Christmas cards using designs that can be downloaded free of charge from the Internet. Some designs allow you to incorporate your own photos, which is a nice idea if you live far from family and friends. It is also possible to print out envelope shapes and fold and glue them together to make your own envelopes, This is more cost effective than buying them and gives your Christmas greetings a personal touch too.

Don’t Buy Any New Christmas Decorations This Year. Most families already have several boxes of Christmas decorations, yet it is easy to be seduced by the Christmas spirit in the run-up to Christmas and buy even more decorations Take out all of your Christmas decorations well in advance and decide which ones you will re-use this year. If you have some time, look on the Internet for instructions and set aside some time at the weekend for the whole family to make new decorations together. Try and use only materials that you already have. Paper chains, for example, are a great decoration to make, as you only need paper, scissors, and glue or scotch tape.

Buy as Much Own-Label Food as Possible. Food bills over the holiday season are always high, whether you are just having a few friends over for a small party or whether you are inviting the whole of your extended family. In order to reduce your spending on groceries at this time of the year, buy as many supermarket own-label products as possible. Own-label products are usually of a similar quality to branded products with the only difference being that the packaging is plain. Your guests will not be able to tell the difference unless they see the packaging. If you are in doubt about the quality of a certain own-label product.

An Economical Christmas

christmasChristmas is a wonderful time of the year. We try to put our problems behind us and meet with our friends and family to celebrate together. Unfortunately, times have been tough for many recently, and the thought of Christmas can fill people with dread. However, this need not be the case. With a little imagination, everybody can have a wonderful Christmas, even those on a tight budget.

Decorating the house is an important part of the Christmas festivities. Most people want to have a tree as the center of attraction in their home. Artificial trees are generally the cheapest to buy and you have them for many years to come. However, if you want a real tree, invest in one that is in a pot and still has roots You can then put it outside after Christmas and use it again the following year. It is also more environmentally friendly than buying a dead tree.

Decorations for the tree can prove expensive. Of course, many people do collect them from year to year. However, if you are just starting out, buy a few decorations and then make some of your own. If you have kept Christmas cards from previous years, you can cut up images from them, such as reindeer and snowmen, to hang on your tree. You can also put ribbons and party streamers on the tree. Many countries have cheaper stores such as pound, euro or dollar shops, and these generally stock very reasonably priced decorations.

We can be pressured into buying expensive gifts for each other. If you are short of money, it is important to set a budget so that you don’t end up in too much debt after Christmas. If you buy individual presents for family members, you might try buying a family gift rather than one for each. This can prove to be a considerable saving. Board games and gift certificates are presents that the whole family can enjoy.

Homemade gifts are often cheaper than presents bought in a store. Thought and care goes into making these gifts and people will appreciate this. You can put skills such as sewing, knitting and embroidery to good use at Christmas. If you are experienced in the kitchen, you can make biscuits, chutneys, jellies, and cakes. Put them into suitable containers and decorate with ribbons and bows. They will look more expensive than they actually are to make.

Halloween Expenses and Creative Budgeting

scarecrowIf you recently lost your job or had unforeseen expenses, you may find it difficult to pay for all the extras that you normally provide your child. It may be painful to trim your budget. One of the places to trim excess immediately is the amount of money that you spend on holidays. This brief blog entry explores three ways to save money in the specific context of Halloween.

The first method of saving money has to do with eliminating unnecessary clothes buying. How many times have you bought a Halloween t-shirt for your child and she only wore it once? This is a type of spending where you can save. You have to invest in some type of Halloween costume. The t-shirt can wait until next year.

spooky-nightThe second method to save concerns the purchase of seasonal merchandise. When you want to decorate your house for Halloween, you can be tempted to go to the dollar store or super-center and buy things for inside and outside of your home. All of these expenses are in addition to Halloween candy, your child’s costume, and toys that you typically buy. One way to save money is to buy one or two decorations and a decent toy for your child to enjoy. All of the trimmings for your home’s interior and exterior are really unnecessary unless you are hosting a Halloween party.

The third method concerns creating a costume that incorporates things your child already owns. It might be buying the accessories for your daughter’s fairy outfit or creating a worker’s costume to go with your son’s tool-belt. Spend your money wisely on part of the costume and save money.

Halloween and other holidays are costly for parents. When you are on a tight budget, you should look for ways to save money without guilt. Your child will remember the time that you spent with him or her doing holiday activities and making memories. How much you spent on the stuff for Halloween should be less important.